Ok, I confess, I am no longer worried about going in order. You get what you get when I get too it. As I was putting this post up, Paul put Isaac in bed. He was crying so I went in to check on him and he was standing at the door. I asked Paul if he had just left him in there; he said "No, I put him in bed." So the boy has gotten quite good at getting himself out of bed. I asked Isaac how he did it, and he gave his typical "I don't know" response. So I put him in bed and asked him to show me how he got out--and I'll be darned if it wasn't quite a graceful dismount. I was very impressed with how well he did it. I'll have to try and get video of it and post. But for the time being, here are a few random pictures of the monkey boy.
My little old man mowing the "grass".
Why do kids like to sit inside their toy boxes?

Slurping noodles.

Standard "fell asleep in the stroller" pictures.

He likes to pull pillows or whatever on top of him when he sleeps (that is Eeyore, by the way).

He loves to get in the dog crate.

And this morning he decided he wanted to get in the bath to play with his trains...
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