Ok, so I finally had enough of people saying "Oh, she's so cute!" and "What's her name?" and "James, get out of the little girl's way" and (my personal favorite from a little boy at the airport) "Are you a girl?" he asked Isaac. I hardly ever corrected anyone (although if they asked Isaac's name, then it was sort of obvious), I'd just answer their question and let it go. But it had reached the point where he got at least twice as many "she," "her," and "girl" references as he was getting masculine pronouns. I don't entirely understand that since I dress him very much like a boy, but you never can tell about people.
So here is his long beautiful hair (I guess I need to have a girl)...

and here it is getting all chopped off.

That's sort of how I felt about it.

And here is my cute little monkey with an official "boy haircut."

I must admit, it has really grown on me, and now I think he's too cute.

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