Isaac and I went down to Florida again this year (partly to go to the beach and partly to give Daddy a break). Of course, the beach was pretty much ruined by tropical storm Fay. So we found some other fun things to do.
He got this hat from a restaurant we went to, and boy, did he love it. He just kept repeating "hat...hat...hat".
Isaac fell and got a cut on his mouth. We tried to get him to suck on an ice cube, but he wouldn't have any of it. So I broke my no sweets rule and let him have some fudge popsicle to help it feel better (bo-bo's seem to often call for rule bending). He took a lick, his eyes lit up, and he said, "mmmm". He went nuts on that thing for a bit.

This is one of Isaac's favorite games... if someone is lying on the bed, he loves diving over them.
Not sure what this was--fuzz in the mouth maybe?
Repeating the Museum of Natural History... He seemed to enjoy it more this year (especially since he can run around and check everything out). He loved hitting all the buttons that make the animal noises.
Here is one of the Indians that confused him so badly last year. This year, he wasn't as amazed.

They have a very cool hands on area that he loved playing in.
This picture is deja vu--just like last year's. I'm not sure if he's looking at the same thing he was last time. He's waving to the totem pole on the wall.