Here's some unrelated eye candy. My cute little boy is getting so big!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
It's amazing to me that you'll just be going about your day, business as usual, and out will pop a word. Isaac tends to do something once and then wait for awhile before he does it again (take, for example, the rolling over thing...he did it the first time and then just decided not to mess with it again for several weeks). So, needless to say, we have not heard "Jack" again. The fact that he takes these long breaks makes you start to wonder if you were hearing things in the first place. There have been several things he's "said" that Paul and I turn and ask each other "Did he just say ____?" One can never quite be sure if he said what you thought you heard or if it's just that you want it to be a word (and it is amazing the amount of things you can be convinced are words). But I'll be if he didn't just go and say something plain as day that couldn't be missed. Paul took Isaac into his room to read to him before putting him to bed. Paul turned on the moniter and was joking around saying "Can you hear me now?" and then told Isaac "Say hi to Mommy. Hi Mommy" etc. All of a sudden Isaac says "Daddy." And we aren't talking about the dada thing (he's been doing that), but a full fledged, well pronounced "Daddy." It was absolutely stunning! (I must admit I'm a little envious that "Mommy" wasn't first, but it was just so doggone cute to hear!) Of course, in true Isaac fashion, we've had silence for the past few days...I'm just dying to know what the next word will be.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Aunt Janet's present
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
First Word
Isaac has been doing the whole "mamamama" and "dadadada" things for awhile. He's also said a version of "Yea!!" since that's always what I say when we clap, but I think we have our first official word....(drum roll please)......and our first word're not going to believe this...............................................................ok, maybe you will, because it does make sense................................................................................I really should just tell you, because I'm sure the suspense is killing you............................................................................................ok, for real now, without further ado, Isaac's first words is..."Jack". I thought I heard him say it a couple weeks ago, but I wasn't positive. But he said it for my parents twice today. I guess it makes sense since he probably hears that more than just about anything else..."Jack, come here." "Jack, eat your food." "Jack, do you want to go outside?" "Jack, don't give your ball to Isaac!" "Jack, go get it." "Jack, hush." "Jack, get off Mommy's clean clothes!" (etc, etc, etc). So I guess Isaac will soon be giving Jack instructions too. The other thing he has started with a vengeance is pointing. He has been pointing at everything, but apparently he isn't immune to the problem that most people have (being able to tell the dogs apart)...when Paul got home today, we were trying to get Isaac to say Jack. So we asked him, "Isaac, where is Jack? Find Jack." Isaac pointed to Kaylee.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Isaac's Birthday
I can't believe he's already one! It went by so fast (as did his party). It was a mad rush getting ready for it, and the next thing you know, it's over. We had a great time, and Isaac got tons of stuff. All in all, I'd say it was a successful party, although you can't tell it by this face!

We tried an experimental recipe for the cake...
We tried an experimental recipe for the cake...
It turned out to be more fun to play with than to eat.
Getting ready to open presents with Daddy's help.
There was so much tissue paper in Aunt Janet's present, that Isaac actually gave up trying to pull it all out. He had to be convinced that there was actually something in the bag.
Playing with his new lawn mower from cousins Skyler, Nolan, and Quinlin.
Hanging out with cousin Skyler...
and Aunt Kathy.
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