For those of you wondering what a stay at home mom does all day, I'd say this comprises a fair amount of the time. It seems that Isaac gets more creative by the day in ways to get into things and messes to make. One of his most recent favorite activities is pulling all the stuff off his shelves. He loves to throw everything over his shoulder so dramatically. I spend most of my day trying to keep up with his mess making (many days to no avail). I can't wait until he learns how to get into drawers! (HUGE amounts of sarcasm there.) Then I guess I'll be picking all my clothes up off the floor. :-)
He has to crawl all the way in to make sure he's gotten everything out.

He does occasionally put things back on the shelves...but only momentarily, so he can throw them back out.
Wouldn't you want to clean up this mess multiple times a day?