Maymont is a park in Richmond, Va that belonged to a rich couple in the early 1900's. Apparently they had no kids, so they left their estate to the city to be used as a park. They have all kinds of animals and some beautiful gardens. This was Isaac's first visit, and it was a little colder than we thought it would be, so we had to use some creative outfitting. Don't you like the outfit? (Thank you Quinlin for loaning us a jacket).
Our first experience with goats. Isaac wasn't quite sure what to make of them.
Cousin Nolan is an excellent entertainer. He's great at making Isaac laugh!
You aren't supposed to pick the flowers. Apparently Isaac didn't read the sign.
Oma, Aunt Janet, and all the cousins: Nolan, Sylvie, Quinlin, Skyler, and Tripp
Oma, Nolan, and Quinlin after they successfully crossed the stepping stones.
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